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Monday, February 11, 2013


I am trying to keep up with everything going on in my life.
I feel like I keep on drowning...

I hate that feeling.
Work is swamped.
Home I feel like all I do is pick up and cook and clean.
Realizing my son's 6th birthday is in 3 weeks and have absolutely nothing ready for it!!!!
Weight loss is going very very very slowly with a minor surgery coming up that has me nervous to bits.

I just wish I had something that would help me calm down and relax and know that I will get it all accomplished...

Then my boss was talking to me this morning and told me about the Mayonnaise Jar and 2 cups of coffee story..... click the link.... it is very inspiring story and I believe that I need to let things go and follow this.

Everything will be ok and I will get done and accomplish what I need to when the time comes. There is a plan for my life and it involves all the golf ball items!

On a side note....everyone needs to go check out rockin' Holly's blog today, she is a super witty momma blogger who cracks me up daily when I read her blog that relates to me alot..... She and Kristen (who is also a great blogger and very creative blogger and momma) are having a super awesome giveaway for being a super cool bloggers and reaching 1000 followers.... I hope to be this cool someday! So check 'em out and sign up already!




  1. Thanks for giving the old blog a shout out! And I hope you get to rest and recharge this week. :)

  2. Rest up buttercup! You are going to rock this week!
