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Tuesday, November 26, 2013


                         How do your survive the Turkey day? And not go all out and binge eat......

It is difficult for me! All the yumminess right there in front of your face. It is so good Every year I think I will do fine this time and then I go back for seconds. 

This year I am only going to take very small helpings and then absolutely no seconds!!
I think once I am done eating I am going to leave the table and not be tempted!
I am determined to not gain weight over this Thanksgiving!

I am also going to be working out everyday to help with the calories!

motivational and inspirational quotes about life.

Friday, November 22, 2013


Well I did it a couple of months ago and signed up to be a Beachbody Coach!! I had sampled a friend's Shakeology and loved it! I finally bit the bullet!

I have been drinking it this last week and it has helped with my cravings.  I still eat 3 meals a day and 2 snacks, only one of the snacks is Shakeo! I am down 3.8 lbs this week!!

I also love their workouts! T25 is my favorite! I am loving only needing 25 minutes a day to get such a great workout in!  I am going to start a challenge group on December 2nd on Facebook or if you need it my email let me know!!

Beachbody right now has a great promo going on...

Check it out and let me know if I can help or you need any info....

and here is the website:

Go and check it out and we can find the perfect challenge pack for you!