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Monday, January 28, 2013

Catch Up!

~Running Behind~
I hate that I am so far behind on blogging.
But I have been busy....
Super busy at work and feel like I am behind still from vacay...
Behind at home.... laundry pile I am sure is going to become a mountain in our home
But on the good side of all of this,
I have figured out how to get Monkey to sleep all night and not get up and want to go to the couch every night....
It is put him in bed with his brother.
He sleeps all night
He still gets up at 6 but I will take it
Diet?! Not going well..?

Well this pretty much sums up what I feel like....
I do awesome until Saturdays and then it is all down hill from there..
I need to learn self control and stick to it. 
I so want to get into a size 6 jeans and a size 4 dress would be awesome!!
I just need someone to yell at me and watch my every mood.
With Weight Watchers I have decided that I need to look up the points before I consume it.
Do you know how many points the chicken flat bread at the Olive Garden is?????
Wait for it...
Wait for it...
20 flippin' points!!!!
The sad thing was I got it thinking it would be better than the pasta and ate the entire thing!!!
I went to the local clothes closet and bought a pair of size 6 jeans and hung them in my room!!
Hopefully it motivates me more!!!
Well I am still behind but need to get my boys to bed!!!

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